Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

A cookie is a small text file which your browser stores on your device. Cookies are transferred into to your device’s permanent storage when you visit our website to allow the site to recognise you when you visit our website again and to enable us to improve your use of the site.

Cookies may be temporary (or “session”) cookies, which are only in use while you visit our website and are deleted when you close your browser, or permanent cookies, which stay on your device’s permanent storage after you leave our website until you delete them manually or your browser deletes them after a period of time.

We may use temporary cookies in order to remember you as you use our website, but we also allow third parties (particularly Google) to use analytical cookies (both temporary and permanent) on our website to compile aggregate information about the areas of our website that are visited most frequently.

Most web browser settings are set for you to accept both our own cookies and third party cookies. However, you are able to adjust those settings (in relation to both our own cookies and those of third parties) to accept the cookies, to prompt you to accept or refuse a cookie each time one is sent, or to reject all cookies outright. We recommend that, for the highest functionality of the website, you accept both our own cookies and third party cookies. Browser settings can be changed in your tool bar.